19 Struggles Only Ridiculously Clumsy People Can Relate to Every Day

If you're a klutz, you know the struggle to basically live is too real. It's hard to navigate life without falling, spilling, or breaking precious objects. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. The following experiences are ones only truly clumsy people can relate to. Take a look and see if you know exactly what we're talking about.

  1. You often wonder if you have a hole in your lip because liquid just falls right out.
  2. It's hard to find a shirt to wear that doesn't have a stain on it.
  3. Your friends and family will jokingly say, "Here she comes!" any time you walk into a room. It's like a warning.
  4. You are not allowed to eat in anyone's car.
  5. People often question your random bruises, and you always have to explain what you bumped into.
  6. Your friends are always pulling crumbs out of your hair or telling you to wipe your face.
  7. You have an extremely high pain tolerance that you have built up your entire life.
  8. Sometimes people will think you're drunk when you're actually not. You're just being you.
  9. Chopsticks are the worst utensils ever invented.
  10. You have literally never caught anything your friends have tossed to you.
  11. Exercising is just too much of a risk for you.
  12. You have actually punched yourself in the face before.
  13. You try to stay away from any generally sharp objects.
  14. Sliding glass doors are your worst enemy.
  15. Your scar stories are great conversation starters.
  16. You drop your phone at least once a day.
  17. You have never kept a fresh manicure nice for more than an hour.
  18. You are always apologizing for something.
  19. Through all this, you embrace your clumsiness, because what else are you going to do?