How To Be Comfortable Saying “No” To Plans This Summer

Summer is right around the corner, which means it's time to line up those event and party invites to your liking. Of course with all the rooftop bashes and pool parties in store, there's no way you can make every single one of them. Prioritizing your time can become a bit stressful, especially when you feel like you're potentially letting your friends down by not attending. But don't fret: We have a few foolproof one-liners that'll get you out of an invite and into a peaceful, calmer state of mind.

"I don't have the energy."

There's nothing worse than being outside when all you want are the comforts of home. While some people can hop from one event to the next, others need a bit more space between social interactions. Any introvert can tell you, too much socializing in a short period of time can lead to social fatigue (also known as introvert burnout). To avoid its laundry list of side effects — which can manifest as irritability, headaches, and sluggish behavior — let people know that you've hit your social bandwidth and you'll let them know when you're ready to be around people again. After all, boundaries are sexy.

"I won't be in town."

You've racked up the vacation days at work, and now it's time to put them to use. We're not saying you have to book an all-inclusive vacation to a five-star resort on a tropical island (a girl can dream), but a weekend trip to a nearby city can be enough of an adventure and easy on your wallet. If you have a little more to splurge, visit a new state for a weekend. A cute bed-and-breakfast with an indoor pool in a new place is a good enough excuse — erm, reason — to skip a party invite.

"It's too hot outside."

No matter the time of year, if the weather is not to your liking, then there's no reason to go outside. No one is going to question if the summer sun is too hot for you to attend the outdoor activities and have a good time. When it does feel like it's blazing outside, the best thing to drink is Canada Dry Ginger Ale. No one can resist the bubbly carbonation of its delightful ginger flavor. Plus the crisp, refreshing taste will have you cool, calm, and sipping in comfort while reclining at home, preferably under an air conditioner.

Design: Clara Shader-Seave

"I'm taking myself to a show."

The most important relationship you will ever build is with yourself. So this summer, let people know that you're prioritizing your time by spending it alone. Having solo experiences can spark creativity, help improve your mental health (doing activities at your own pace is so relaxing), and can give you a better idea of what you actually enjoy doing. If you're booked and busy this summer by yourself, no worries: Plenty of people are finding the joys and benefits of going the solo route, so you'll be in good company (but alone).

"No." (It's a full sentence.)

We are all about owning your truth, and the truth is: you can just say no. Needing to give an explanation at all is unnecessary when you know you're just not in the mood. It doesn't matter the reason; you should feel empowered to say "no" whenever the answer is not an enthusiastic "yes!" And if someone questions your answer, then you know how to handle their invites for the rest of the summer (or forever).

"I have something on my calendar."

Being an adult is a constant series of getting tasks done, so no one will question if you "forgot" that you have an appointment for something that just happens to fall on the day of their invite. And let's be honest: Do you really know what your friends do for a living? While we may know their titles, who's to say what the specific assignments are and, more importantly, how long they take. The less you say, the better.

"I'm saving money right now."

It's never polite to count someone else's dollars, so your friends are not going to judge you if you're trying to save money. The world is too expensive to just attend any and all invites — thank you, late-stage capitalism. Letting your friends know that you're working on being a budget baddie — whether for your emergency fund, a big purchase, or just trying to be more frugal — will not only signal to them that you're being responsible, but they might also take the advice themselves and sit out on a few festivities.