July's New Moon in Cancer Wants You to Retreat Into Your Shell

New moons are astrology's version of an emotional reset button. These lunar events occur roughly once a month, when the moon sits so closely to the sun that not even a sliver of the moon's surface is visible. For that reason, from our vantage point on Earth, it seems like there's no moon at all — and we're presented with a clear, dark sky that's almost like a blank canvas on which you can write a whole new chapter.

On July 17, at 2:32 p.m. ET, the new moon will fall in the cardinal water sign, Cancer, best known for its nurturing, sentimental — and yes, occasionally crabby — nature. Read on to learn more about new moons as well as specifics about how your zodiac sign will be affected by this powerful astrological moment.

The Spiritual Meaning of the July 17 New Moon in Cancer 2023

Every Cancer season — which begins June 21 and ends on July 22 this year — we're drawn to quality time nesting and tending to our bonds with the people we care about most. We might be inspired to be a little bit more domestic or couch potato-ish than usual, given that Cancer is the ruler of the fourth house of home life. And annually, the Cancer new moon presents you with an opportunity to gain clarity around this incredibly important aspect of your world: your inner life, your roots, your closest familial relationships.

Any new moon's deep, dark canvas sky calls for self-reflection and caring for your inner self, but particularly when the new moon is in Cancer, you could find it emotionally satisfying — or even necessary — to retreat into your shell and get in tune with your needs so that you can then take conscious action to ensure those needs are met.

How the New Moon in Cancer 2023 May Affect the Zodiac Signs

People who have placements in any of the cardinal signs — Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn — will feel the July 17 new moon more than others. If you want to get even more specific, see if any of your natal chart placements fall around seven degrees of a cardinal sign. If so, you'll really feel this one. That said, here's intel on what every sign can expect. (Be sure to read your rising sign, too!)

Aries (March 20-April 19)

With the new moon falling in your fourth house of home life, you could be torn between hunkering down with loved ones and heading off on an adventure. If you opt for the latter, just consider enjoying the best of both worlds by bringing loved ones along for the ride.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

With the new moon falling in your third house of communication, you'll be extra curious and social — not to mention potentially over-scheduled. Just remember to carve out a little bit of downtime so you can keep firing on all cylinders.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The new moon falls in your second house of income, Gemini, so investigating new hustles and possibly even making a move to bolster your cash flow would be wise and called for now. Consider working as part of a team or alongside friends and colleagues to promote your success.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This is your new moon, Cancer! With your ruler, the moon, in your first house of self, it's time to zero in on and own your long-term dreams. Nothing is too ambitious or out of reach. Just know that you're worthy of recognition, and it'll soon be yours.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

The new moon falls in your 12th house of spirituality, Leo, which could make this moment feel like you're backstage, taking a moment to steel yourself as you prepare to enter the spotlight next month. Plant the seeds you want to see grow while doing your best to prioritize personal growth.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

The new moon falls in your 11th house of friendship and networking, and collaboration is key to crossing the finish line on a long-held dream. You'll find that a willingness to be more emotionally vulnerable with others can go far to fostering camaraderie.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct 22)

Your 10th house of career is activated by this new moon, Libra, so it's an auspicious moment to reflect on your big-picture professional aspirations. Pitch that brilliant idea to higher-ups, cold call a potential new client, or do a ritual to manifest your dream position.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Falling in your ninth house of adventure and higher learning, this new moon challenges you to step out of your comfort zone and hone your skill set. It's a moment for learning and taking a leap of faith in an effort to grow.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

The new moon falls in your eighth house of emotional bonds and joint resources, Sag, which means this is a prime opportunity to meditate on shared finances or reflect on what you need more of in bed. Standing up for what makes you feel comfortable and secure in either of these areas of life can be incredibly empowering.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

With the new moon falling in your seventh house of partnership, Cap, you'll want to set an intention related to your one-on-one relationships. Whether a platonic, romantic, or professional bond is on your mind, this moment was made for getting in sync and moving the ball forward as a pair.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Falling in your sixth house of daily routine, the new moon presents you with a chance to hit reset on your wellness plan. Though we tend to think we can achieve better health by scheduling sweaty workouts, you might be drawn to a less rigorous — but just as nurturing — form of self-care now, like prioritizing therapy or meditation.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Falling in your fifth house of romance and play, this new moon could be incredibly whimsical, magical, and artistically fulfilling for you, Pisces. Be sure to hit pause on work for even a little while so you can soak up the buoyant vibes and figure out the best creative outlet for exploring your most heartfelt emotions.