16 Packing Hacks That Will Save You Space

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When it comes to overfilling suitcases, we've ALL been there. You need this, this, this, and — oh! — definitely that. Before you know it, the bulk of your luggage may trick the average passersby into thinking there are a few humans hiding within. In the interest of saving space (and your arm from falling off), we've rounded up 16 amazing packing hacks ahead. Rest easy!


Devise a list.

If you create a list of things you need to pack beforehand, you're less likely to go overboard when it comes time to do the deed. Remember — essentials only!


Roll your clothes.

Bonus: it takes less time to roll than it does to fold!


Store medicine in one small case.

Rather than packing five separate bottles of medicine, pack the pills you need in one convenient organizer.


Use straws for liquid items.

Why lug your entire jar of moisturizer if you'll only need it for a few uses? This is where straws come in handy! Just be sure to label each straw, and seal the ends with a lighter.


Bring only travel-size products.

If you're not into the idea of straw storage, be sure to bring only travel-size products. You can always buy your own bottles for your current shampoo, conditioners, and lotions!


Make a travel wallet.

Use foam sheets to create a handy travel wallet, which is likely less bulky than your actual wallet.

Bring a packing folder.

Bring a packing folder.

A packing folder makes the best use of luggage space by compressing clothes. You can fit a lot more in it than you may realize! Try this one from Dot & Dot ($26, originally $55).


Use your own storage for food.

Sometimes food comes with bulky packaging, so use your own baggies to store snacks you're thinking of bringing.


Buy compression bags.

Compression bags are pretty much foolproof when it comes to saving space in your suitcase.


Skip the things you can buy at your destination.

Don't bother packing toiletries if you don't mind grabbing them at a local drugstore once you've arrived. Chances are there's one on every corner!


Cram things into your purse.

No shame — a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Those bad boys can carry half a closet's worth of stuff.

Make use of all the extra pockets.
Flickr user Faruk Ateş

Make use of all the extra pockets.

Don't forget all the hidden pockets of your suitcase! They can be a real life space saver.


Wear your bulky clothes to the airport.

This may be a bit problematic during the warmer months, but if you don't mind wearing bulkier clothes to the airport to make room in your suitcase, by all means, do it!

Take advantage of travel cubes.

Take advantage of travel cubes.

Travel cubes keep your things organized, and they limit the number of items you can take. Try this set from Amcatch ($25, originally $50).


Bring a big backpack.

In this case, those adorable tiny backpacks just won't cut it. Bring one of hefty size, and don't be shy about packing it.