9 Distinct Advantages to Being Left-Handed

If you're part of the 10 percent of the population that is left-handed, you're in luck. Even though it can seem like the whole world isn't designed for you, from notebooks to automobiles, there are some distinct advantages to being a southpaw. While the struggle can definitely be real when trying to do basic things that are designed for a righty, some of these benefits might just ease the pain.

Superior Athletic Advantage
Stock Snap/ Michal Parzuchowski

Superior Athletic Advantage

One of the clearest ways in which being left-handed is a benefit is in sports. Regardless of whether you're a professional or a weekend warrior, being left-handed puts players at an advantage. In most sports that require hands to play, other athletes get used to competing against right-handed players, so when they suddenly are up against a lefty, it's a completely different ballgame. This is especially true in tennis, baseball, and fencing. Being a lefty might be just what a player needs to throw their competitor off their game.

Famous Friends
StockSnap | Alexey Topolyanskiy

Famous Friends

A disproportionate number of presidents have been left-handed. If you look at the last 15 US presidents, nearly 45 percent have been left-handed, which is significantly higher than the national average of around 10 percent. At the very least, there's some serious bragging rights that go along with being the odd hand. After all, who doesn't want to be lumped in with our nation's best?

Magnificent Multitaskers
Stock Snap/ Startup Stock Photos

Magnificent Multitaskers

Some studies have shown that people with dominant left hands are more likely to multitask in the workplace and at home. This ability, which is becoming increasingly more necessary to work efficiently, could put left-handed employees at a distinct advantage.

Amazingly Artistic
Stock Snap/ John-Mark Kuznietsov

Amazingly Artistic

One of the most well-known beliefs surrounding lefties is that they may display signs of being more artistic. While the evidence is a little murky to support this, a ridiculously high number of musicians and artists are left-handed, like Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt, and Paul McCartney.

Developed Divergent Thinking
Stock Snap/ Rawpixel.com

Developed Divergent Thinking

Like the iconic Apple ads from the '90s, thinking differently can create meaningful work. Divergent thinking, which essentially is the ability to generate a new idea based off of another one, is a trait that is most often found with left-handed people. So, lefties, now's the time to apply for that patent of your newfangled design that's certain to change the world.

Stronger Stroke Recovery
Stock Snap/ Jesse Orrico

Stronger Stroke Recovery

Depending on what area of the brain is affected by the stroke, some recent studies have shown that left-handed people recover more quickly than right-handed people. Since the left-handed brain often has to work differently and harder than the right-hander's brain, some scientists posit that they are better suited to the work required for stroke recovery.

More Mathematically Inclined
Stock Snap/ Wilfred Iven

More Mathematically Inclined

Being forced to live in a society that clearly prefers right-handed people has, according to certain studies, improved southpaws' mathematical abilities. Similar to the argument as to why left-handed people are better at divergent thinking, these lucky 10 percent might just be better equipped for the SATs and careers in math-based fields.

Access to Special Grants, Clubs, and Scholarships
Stock Snap/ Brodie Vissers

Access to Special Grants, Clubs, and Scholarships

If you're left-handed, congratulations! You automatically have access to a lot of special scholarships and grants that are exclusively reserved for lefties. In addition to having access to money that righties can't get, there are a bunch of organizations specifically geared toward lefties. Social clubs can be helpful to make connections in the work place and provide a relaxing outlet from a stressful week.

Stronger With Opposite Hand
Stock Snap/ PALOMA Aviles

Stronger With Opposite Hand

Since lefties have to live in a world where it's assumed that they don't exist, they've gotten really good at adapting. Chances are, your average left-handed person is better with their nondominant hand than a right person is. This increased flexibility means that a lefty can more easily navigate objects, sports, and office tools.