Take a Game of Thrones-Style Getaway

Being Geek Chic blogger Elizabeth Giorgi and her team of brilliant lady nerds spend their days dreaming up the cutest fangirl fashion, baking epic fantasy- and sci-fi-inspired foods, and reviewing all of our favorite geek shows. Basically, they lead very sophisticated nerd lives, and in this latest geek-vacation roundup, Giorgi proposes the idea of a glamorous holiday in the style of Game of Thrones.


Sans all the beheadings, prostitution, and murdering . . . you know, just enjoy the cool part where you live in a castle, and wear inappropriately fancy clothing. I've always wanted to know how one rented a castle, because, well, it just seems like a great idea to go on a large trip with friends to a castle. Turns out there are a few sites out there.

If you want to stay in a castle similar to that of . . .

House Tyrell of Highgarden — Try Château de Challain

Located in France, the Château de Challain is all about luxury and romance — and with a family obsessed with who is marrying who, this castle seems like an appropriate wedding venue with massive gardens and plenty of party space. You can rent it here.

House Stark of Winterfell — Try the Giant's Ridge Lakefront

The idea of spending time in a castle in the middle of the Winter might seem unfun, but one of my favorite family memories is spending a ton of time in this property in Biwabik, MN. It's a giant home, which feels like a rustic castle on the inside and presents you with so many beautiful views of Winter mountains — it's hard to imagine the Starks being more comfortable anywhere besides the harsh cold of Minnesota.

House Greyjoy of Pyke — Try the Castle of Aragon

There's not much Greyjoy love to be found here, but their geographic perks make them worth considering for a future geek-inspired vacation. Unlike the other houses of Westeros, the Greyjoys sit in their castle of Pyke, ruling over the Iron Islands, which means their property is both hard to reach and difficult to navigate. That's why the ancient Castle of Aragon is perfect. On an island near Ischia, Italy, the castle is so remote, you must use an ancient bridge built in 1438 by Alfonso of Aragon to access it.

House Lannister of Casterly Rock — Try the Ballyhannon Castle

If the Lannisters have one thing going for them, it's their taste in real estate. The Lannister fortress is well protected, largely due to its location in Westeros, where it has been carved into a rock wall. Similarly, the Celtic Ballyhannon Castle is a 15th-century dwelling that utilizes massive stone walls and honestly strikes you as impenetrable on first glance. You can rent it here.

Now if only I had planned a Game of Thrones premiere party far enough in advance to rent one of these castles . . . alas.

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