Sharks Could Be Attacking Your Internet Right Now

Your annual weeklong shark obsession is almost at its end. Shark Week on the Discovery Channel concludes Saturday, Aug. 16 — but this case of bizarre shark-related incidents will keep the carnivorous fish in your mind long after the week is over.

The Internet is constantly under attack by the deadly sea-faring creatures. In fact, Google has to wrap its underwater fiber cables in a special material called Kevlar to protect your precious digital info from sharks. Yes, there's a giant, physical cable under the sea. Yes, the battle between Internet vs. sharks is 100 percent real. The proof is all in this GIF below.


Source: YouTube user sudmike

That is, in fact, a real-life shark attack on a sub cable. The cables, which transmit up to 1 gigabit of information per second, emit electricity. Sharks may mistake these currents for prey. So there you have it — the reason why shark attacks really do affect you and just about everybody else who uses the web.