What Everyone Really Thinks About Google Glass

It was only a matter of time before The Daily Show took on Google Glass. In a perfectly hilarious skit, correspondent Jason Jones calls out everything ridiculous about the $1,500 computer for your face.

"Let's put aside that these glasses are just f*cking stupid," he said to a group of Glass wearers before going on about how it's an invasion of privacy if people don't know they're being videotaped or having their photos taken.

"The best uses of Glass today are apps where it acts as an interface between you and the real world," one of the Glass Explorers explained as a defense.

"Do you guys hear yourselves when you talk?" Jones asked. "An interface between you and the real world? Those are called eyes."

And definitely don't let Jones hear the term "Glass Explorer."

"Sorry, what did you just call yourself? An explorer?" he asked. "Magellan was an explorer. You guys have a f*cking camera on your face."

Nailed it. Peep the video now!