Google Made Another Horrible, Offensive Mistake About Black People

Google is currently under fire for an image search that once again shows an offensive result.

Twitter user iBeKabir, whose real name is Kabir Alli, tweeted a video of him searching for the phrase "three black teenagers." When he did, the image search results showed only photos of mug shots. When he searched for "three white teenagers," the results included stock photos. His tweet has more than 64,000 retweets and 59,000 favorites.


— July 3rd. (@iBeKabir) June 7, 2016

This isn't the first time the company has faced controversy for search results like this. Back in July 2015, the Google Photos app was automatically tagging black people as gorillas. The company quickly fixed the issue and apologized. In this case, plenty of people were quick to call out the company on being racist, but Alli saw it differently.

"The results were formed through the algorithm they set up," said Alli to The Guardian. "They aren't racist but I feel like they should have more control over something like that."

In an emailed statement to POPSUGAR, Google made it clear that the company's beliefs don't reflect this search result. Most importantly, the search results that populate this query are due to how it's characterized online by others. "This means that sometimes unpleasant portrayals of sensitive subject matter online can affect what image search results appear for a given query," said a Google spokesperson. "These results don't reflect Google's own opinions or beliefs -- as a company, we strongly value a diversity of perspectives, ideas and cultures."

Though this definitely feels like another tech diversity problem, it also reflects how the web describes these images as well.