You'll Never Guess How Long It Took This Guy to Scroll to the Bottom of an Excel Spreadsheet

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Excel spreadsheets are a dizzying mystery of seemingly endless rows and columns. How long do they go on for? Will they ever end? Well, Hunter Hobbs got to the bottom of it — no, seriously.

A former Vine star, Hobbs set out to do an internet challenge no one else has done (or had the time on their hands to do) before. So he decided to see exactly how much scrolling it would take to reach the bottom of an Excel spreadsheet. The rules of the challenge were pretty easy: simply press the down arrow key, don't take breaks, and don't cheat by using the control key. While completing the challenge, Hobbs carried on with his usual daily activities — eating a burger, drinking a protein shake, and reading a book — while in pursuit of that final spreadsheet row.

It seems like Hobbs went into the challenge already aware that there's a finite number of rows in Excel sheets. As Motherboard pointed out, a simple Google search reveals the exact number on a Microsoft community forum. Despite that, Hobbs still saw it as a great opportunity for a good ol' index finger workout, all while garnering somewhat unexpected internet fame.

In the end, it took him a whopping nine and a half hours of button-pressing to reach it. Can you guess how many total rows there were? Watch the video above to find out! Spoiler alert: it was more than one million. Sheesh.