You Can Finally Share Your Location With Friends on Google Maps


Say goodbye to an endless scroll of texts from friends asking you, "where you at?", thanks to a new feature coming to Google Maps. Soon, you'll be able to share your location with friends and family on Google Maps (in just a few steps).

If you're an iOS user, the feature is pretty similar to Find My Friends, except, of course, your Android friends can finally see where you are with Google Maps. See how to use the feature, which is rolling out to both iOS and Android users soon, ahead.

Open up Google Maps and tap the three bars in the search bar.

Open up Google Maps and tap the three bars in the search bar.

Tap "Share Location."

Decide how long you'd like to share your location for.

Decide how long you'd like to share your location for.

You can either set it to last until a certain time or until you turn it off. If you close the app, your location will still be shared until you either stop sharing or the sharing time is over.

Pick who you'd like to send your location to.

Pick who you'd like to send your location to.

Tap "share" and you're done! Your friends will now see where you are on the map.

See who you're sharing a location with by going back to the map.

See who you're sharing a location with by going back to the map.

You can turn off location sharing with a simple swipe left on the screen.

You can turn off location sharing with a simple swipe left on the screen.

Share your trip in navigation mode as well.

Share your trip in navigation mode as well.

Tap the bottom menu and select "Share trip progress."

Pick who you want to share your location with.

Pick who you want to share your location with.

Once you send your location, your friends can track you during the entire trip until you arrive. They'll also be able to see your arrival time.