If You Can Solve This Puzzle From a Korean Game Show, You Just Might Be a Wizard

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In the mood to test out your brain? Then boy, do we have a tricky lil' treat for you. YouTuber Presh Talwalkar, a math enthusiast who shares a plethora of perplexing brain teasers and riddles with his thousands of subscribers, recently posted a puzzle that'll totally trip you up. The problem originally hails from Problematic Men, a Korean TV show in which contestants battle it out to solve puzzles the quickest, and it's quite the doozy.

The riddle goes a little something like this: if 9981 plus 1601 equals 2957, then what does 1080 plus 9168 equal? If you're anything like me, your first thought was probably something along the lines of, "Wait WTF?! 9981 plus 1601 totally does not equal 2957!" And that's true — it doesn't! But that's the crux of the puzzle right there.

So what's the secret pattern that helps us solve this tricky son of a gun? I'll give you one hint: you really have to think outside the box here and look at things from a different perspective. Watch the video above to find out the solution, which is sure to leave you looking a little something like this: