Nail Decals That Dazzle When a Phone's Nearby

When it comes to nerdy manicures, we thought we've seen it all — and then we saw this. The latest development in geeky nails will light up your life — but really. Japanese company Tomy is working on a collection of stick-on nail decals with a tiny, embedded LED light that illuminates whenever you pick up your Android phone.

In fact, the decal's LED will blink anytime it's within range of an NFC-enabled device. This includes some credit cards, most tap-to-pay metro passes, and, of course, Android phones. Amazingly, the light-up nail is wireless and battery-free, since it requires such a small transfer of energy. A set of 16 nails (we know you have 10 digits; the extra are for accidental mess-ups) with one LED nail, plus a nail file, are on sale now in Japan for $12. A companion Android app, through which you can program the nail's settings, will hit the Google Play store very soon.

It lights up when you hold your Android phone.

Actually, it lights up near any NFC field — credit card readers included.

No battery required for this little sensor.

Decals not guaranteed to fly, but they do come in these designs.

Source: Tomy