13 Excruciating, Hilarious Truths About Being a Middle Child

Oldest and youngest children love complaining about how tough it is growing up, but middle children definitely have it the roughest. Whether it's always getting shafted for a celebration or even your parents forgetting your name, being a middle child can feel like it includes zero perks. But one tiny silver of hope comes in the form of National Middle Child Day, where people can finally feel like they are getting some love while still tweeting about the problems only they face.

Read ahead to see exactly how some middle kids feel, and if you're an older or younger sibling, be grateful there was always someone to take the blame for you.


Consistently getting blamed for everything that happens at home.


Praying your parents won't forget this day is about you.


Counting all the photos there are of you vs. your siblings.


Bonding happily with other middle children who are also forgotten.


Hoping that one day your parents will admit you're the best kid.


Wondering why your holiday present haul is always so low.


Intending to blame your siblings and parents for all your problems in therapy.


Getting shafted for almost everything — including a bedroom.


Getting the wrath of your parents when one of your siblings has done something wrong.


Shaking your head every time your parents mess up with your name.


Brushing off comparisons to your other siblings.


Dealing with never having a voice in family issues.


Realizing you need to take advantage of all the love you'll get today.