Something's Pretty Messed Up About the New Star Wars Monopoly

Update: Director J.J. Abrams isn't happy about the omission of Rey in the Monopoly game either. "I will say that it seems preposterous and wrong that the main character of the movie is not well represented in what is clearly a huge piece of the Star Wars world in terms of merchandizing," he said. "It doesn't quite make sense why she wouldn't be there." After initially justifying its decision, Hasbro later promised to add Rey to the game later this year.

Original story: Fans are asking #WheresRey after discovering that the new Star Wars monopoly game has left her out. If you've watched the new film, then you know Rey (played by Daisy Ridley) is the main character and hero of the movie. In the latest monopoly edition, however, there are only four player pieces to choose from: Finn, Kylo Ren, Luke Skywalker, and Darth Vader.


Her absence from the game has fans pointing out gender inequality, with all the player pieces being men. This note from an 8-year-old girl has been making the rounds on Twitter:

.@JillPantozzi .@Epbot 8 yr old asks Hasbro, How could you leave out Rey in SW Monopoly?! #WheresRey
— Carrie Goldman (@CarrieMGoldman) January 4, 2016

Amid the backlash, a Hasbro spokesperson explained that the game was released in September, before the movie came out, so she "was not included to avoid revealing a key plot that she takes on Kylo Ren and joins the Rebel Alliance." The spokesperson added that Rey will be featured in several upcoming Hasbro games, including Guess Who and chess.