13 Reasons Twitter's Big Change Will Suck For You

One look at my Twitter account and you'll see I have a dismal number of tweets and a sad 79 followers. It's suffice to say I'm not a heavy tweeter and I admit I hardly check my account, unless it's for work.

Although I'm not active on the platform, when news broke that Twitter would up its character count for tweets from its traditional 140 to 10,000, I was simply confused. And I wasn't alone. Many users took to Twitter with the trending #Twitter10k to protest the future change, which made me realize how much the 140 characters is tied to the identity of Twitter.

There's no official launch date for the new 10,000-character feature, but reports speculate that Twitter is in the process of testing a version where tweets stay at 140 characters and there's an option of clicking on the tweets to expand them to reveal more content. This sounds a little more promising to fans, even if this version is not completely set in stone.

As we wait for doomsday the big reveal, we can only sit here and predict all the ways this will forever change Twitter. Behold, here are 13 reasons #Twitter10k will kinda, sorta suck.


When you're trying to read tweets in your Twitter feed


That awkward moment Twitter tries to become Facebook


New year, new changes — but you still can't do any of these on Twitter


Twitter will become someone's sad diary entries


HELP — these types of tweets will exist


Spam, spam, spam


State your argument in 140 characters or less. Wait, just kidding . . . keep going


You won't know if you're being too wordy because the limit does not exist


The joy of reading a short, funny tweet will be gone




Forget double-checking your tweets for grammatical errors


Annoying people on Twitter will continue to be . . . extra annoying


10,000-character tweets is like writing a high school essay (painful)