You Need to Meet the Man Who Sang the Pokémon Theme Song

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Pokémon Go fever is truly the gift that keeps on giving. People are transforming themselves into IRL Pikachus, others are figuring out certain hacks to get a Pokémon to evolve, Poké pin-up artwork is everywhere, and so much more. But nothing can ever top nostalgia for Pokémon, which is why this video of the original studio recording of the Pokémon theme song is making our day.

Sung by Jason Paige, a singer who continues to rock out to this day, the video is everywhere with more than 200,000 views and counting. Paige really puts all his efforts into singing and even mimes a little air guitar. And while everyone's been listening to this song everywhere, Paige only "received a one-time payment for his work," reported Sploid. Get the song stuck in your head again and listen to it above.