Mark Zuckerberg Pours Ice Water Over His Head, States the Obvious

What do Mark Zuckerberg and Martha Stewart have in common? The ice bucket challenge.

Following the footsteps of other celebrities like Justin Timberlake and Stewart, the Facebook CEO took part in the trend to raise awareness of ALS, commonly known as Lou Gehrig's Disease.

Watch him dump the ice bucket over his head after being challenged by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, and call out Bill Gates, Sheryl Sandberg, and Netflix CEO Reed Hastings to do the same. "That was really, really cold," he concludes.

And he's not the only Silicon Valley figure to jump on the trend.

Twitter CEO Dick Costolo got in on it.

And so did Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, who challenged Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and Google CEO Larry Page.

This one's for Steve. You're up, Jeff Bezos & Larry Page. Donate to @TeamGleason @ALSassociation. #icebucketchallenge

— Satya Nadella (@satyanadella) August 13, 2014

So since you have to donate money if you don't go through with the challenge, does that mean no one donated?