Seniors Photoshopped Into Iconic Film Scenes Is the Best Idea Ever

Proving that young people and their memes aren't the only ones that get to have all the Internet's worth of fun, a group of senior communities in the Southeast re-created iconic scenes from TV and film for an 18-month calendar with all proceeds going to local charities as selected by each senior community. The Senior Living Communities in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, and Georgia were inspired by a German retirement community that took on a similar photo project last year.

Community members helped design the costumes used in each photo and style the shoot, which happened in front of a green screen. The extra pieces, like Darth Vader for the Star Wars scene or the fireball behind Charlie's Angels, were added with the digital magic of Photoshop.

Through July 22, Senior Living Communities is letting fans vote on their favorite images from the shoot. One entrant will receive the calendar to hang on his or her wall. Below are just some of our favorites from the calendar. Source: Senior Living Communities

The Wizard of Oz

The Wizard of Oz

Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump

I Love Lucy

I Love Lucy



Singin' in the Rain

Singin' in the Rain

Star Wars

Star Wars