Your Life on Instagram vs. Real Life

Think about it: what are the chances the photo you just double tapped on Instagram was a fake? That it wasn't as cool as it was made to seem. Slim or high? We're going to go with the latter, because when you put a filter on it, almost anything can look good. Behold, seven examples that prove this very point. Source: Reddit user DonnyTheBowler

Instagram | evadestruction

Trying to take a perfect group picture vs. all the faces you really made before taking it.

Instagram | borlorbao

Cats are deceiving, too.

Instagram | cherrybild

Hey, you have good days and you have bad days.

Instagram | i_am_alfredo

Because no one would ever hashtag #lovewaitingattheDMV.

Instagram | lexiiii_mamaaa

Ice cream as metaphor. Deep.

Reddit user DonnyTheBowler

Turnt down for what?!