16 Brilliant Signs That Deserve a Funny Award

If you've ever come across a witty sign, you've probably wanted to take a photo of it and upload it to the Internet (or Snapchat it, duh). Thankfully, some people have done just that, and we've rounded up the best, most brilliant marquees that will have you laughing with every scroll. Source: Reddit user ahandmadegrin

Reddit user Gohomeyourdrunk

Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

Honesty's the best policy. Source: Reddit user melissaslee

Imgur user avatarphil

Someone's bitter batter.

Reddit user angelshare

Saddest/best vet sign ever.

Reddit user brom333

Hope the kids don't get it.

Reddit user Togas-4-420

Whoever wrote this needs to be promoted.

Reddit user Fancy_Pantsu

This local auto repair shop is so hip.

Reddit user strata1213

Local Dairy Queen for the win.

Reddit user reeb0k

You tell 'em.

Reddit user -Selkies-

Because science.

Imgur user ilsita

We see what you did there.

Reddit user ahandmadegrin

Can all church signs be this witty?