This New 3D Tool Will Help Prevent Women From Going Overboard With Fillers or Botox

POPSUGAR Photography | Maria del Rio
POPSUGAR Photography | Maria del Rio

While we think there is a lot of beauty in aging naturally — and many noninvasive ways to treat fine lines and wrinkles — quite a few people consider getting Botox or dermal fillers. But as you scroll through your Instagram feed obsessing over before-and-after images, one major problem remains: the results you may be aspiring to are not on your face. That means you won't know what your final look will be until you've left the clinic.

A plastic surgeon from Australia is aiming to change that. Dr. Michael Molton saw this struggle among his cosmetic patients and began working on a 3D imaging technique "to precisely predict how a procedure will change appearance."

Dr. Molton teamed up with a software designer to develop the SAFV Scan imaging system, a 3D-scanning camera that creates a color-coded contour map of his patients' faces to see changes in volume. Not only will this technology help people decide if they want to go under the needle, but it will be useful for patients to maintain realistic expectations for their cosmetic procedures.

Even better, it will aid in preventing patients from going overboard with their treatment so results stay natural-looking instead of frozen. Dr. Molton and his team at Epiclinic plan to test the technology with patients next year. Check out how the technology works in the video below.

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