What, Exactly, Did Jennifer Aniston Call "Beautiful" at the Critics' Choice Awards?

During Thursday night's Critics' Choice Awards, there were plenty of GIF-worthy moments to keep us entertained all night long. There was one moment in particular, though, that really had us scratching our heads. When Chris Hemsworth took the stage to present Ron Howard with the Louis XIII Genius Award, a quick cut to the audience showed Jennifer Aniston saying the word "beautiful." But what, exactly, did she find beautiful? We've decided to launch a full investigation, so keep reading for our theories.

She really was talking about Chris Hemsworth.
Getty | Jeff Kravitz

She really was talking about Chris Hemsworth.

Like, come on. He's the sexiest man alive, and just look at him. She was probably just gazing at him on stage, and the word "beautiful" just sort of came out.

She suddenly remembered Justin Theroux's performance in The Leftovers.

She suddenly remembered Justin Theroux's performance in The Leftovers.

Justin Theroux really . . . uh . . . packed a lot into his role on the critically acclaimed HBO show. She was probably thinking, "Ugh, Justin's acting slash body slash everything else in The Leftovers? Beautiful."

She was explaining Boyhood to someone.
IFC Films

She was explaining Boyhood to someone.

Maybe someone at her table was like, "What even is Boyhood, anyway?" So Jennifer, being the wonderful woman she is, launched into this in-depth explanation, which ended with, "And you know, the dynamic of the family was just beautiful."

She was thinking about her post-award-show snack from Taco Bell.
Taco Bell

She was thinking about her post-award-show snack from Taco Bell.

Because who doesn't love Taco Bell, right? Maybe she leaned over to Justin and said, "We're going to Taco Bell after this. Last time, I got a waffle taco, and the whole experience was unbelievably beautiful."

She was admiring Jared Leto's sensational man bun.

She was admiring Jared Leto's sensational man bun.

To one-up his man braid from the Golden Globes, Jared Leto did us one better when he rocked a man bun at Critics' Choice. Jennifer probably took notice and was awestruck. "Gosh, that is just unbelievably beautiful."

She was commenting on the effervescent Angelina Jolie.
Getty | Tiffany Rose

She was commenting on the effervescent Angelina Jolie.

Angelina Jolie's night at the Critics' Choice Awards was filled with smiles. Jennifer probably noticed, and because the two are like way more amicable than everyone thinks, she went around telling everyone Brad Pitt's new bride looked just "beautiful."

So what do you think? Share your explanation in the comments!