Bill Murray Dialed Into the Golden Globes in a Hawaiian Shirt, and I'll Have What He's Having

Bill Murray passed the Golden Globes vibe check with flying colors. The seasoned actor made an exceptionally chill appearance during the virtual award show, dialing in from a sunny outdoor location we can only assume is Margaritaville, given the fact that he was suited up in a neon Hawaiian shirt and casually sipping a martini. If his enviable setup doesn't make you scream, "I'll have what he's having," I'm frankly not sure what will.

Bill's role in On the Rocks secured him a nomination for best supporting actor, and although Daniel Kaluuya wound up winning the award, that didn't stop Bill from throughly enjoying his evening. He smiled for the camera, soaked up the sun, and cheersed Daniel for his big win. Despite the fact that he didn't utter a single word, his appearance was nevertheless iconic. Catch a glimpse at Jimmy Buffett's — er, I mean Bill's meme-worthy Golden Globes look in the video below.

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