Where You Can Follow the Cast of Generation on Instagram


HBO Max's new teen series Generation is introducing us to a whole new cast of impressive young actors. While you might have seen a few of them in previous projects, several of them are newcomers as well — though we bet this won't be the last big project they work on! Of course, like most young celebs in the entertainment industry, they're all pretty active on Instagram, so social media is an easy way to keep up with them and see what they're doing next. If you want to be sure to stay in the know about the Generation cast, give them a follow! Here's where you can find each of the main actors on Insta.

Justice Smith

Instagram: @standup4justice

Chase Sui Wonders

Instagram: @chasesuiwonders

Haley Sanchez

Uly Schlesinger

Instagram: @uleschles

Nathanya Alexander

Chloe East

Instagram: @chloeeast

Sydney Mae Diaz

Instagram: @anxioushum