If You Didn't See This Mad Men Romance Coming, You Weren't Paying Attention

Stan has essentially been Peggy's work husband for several of Mad Men's last seasons, but the series finale confirms that they're also soul mates. They get into a little tiff in the office, but later on the phone, Stan ends up confessing that he's in love with her. Peggy needs about a minute to think about it, but soon she comes to her own conclusion that she's also in love with Stan. In case you're thinking this comes out of left field, take a look at Peggy and Stan's relationship throughout the years. While Don's fate has been up in the air (and eventually ends as cryptically as you might think), these two lovebirds have been meant for each other since the early days.

They've always had a really easy friendship with each other.

They've always had a really easy friendship with each other.

Then Stan has to make it weird by kissing her in season four.

Then Stan has to make it weird by kissing her in season four.

He claims it's to calm her nerves, but it's totally not.

Stan is constantly fighting against his boundaries with Peggy . . .

Stan is constantly fighting against his boundaries with Peggy . . .

And she always maintains a professional attitude.

And she always maintains a professional attitude.

Until they challenge each other to a naked staring competition.

Until they challenge each other to a naked staring competition.

OK, they also smoke weed together in the office.

OK, they also smoke weed together in the office.

"Professional" wasn't the right word.

Even though their offices are 15 feet away from each other.

Even though their offices are 15 feet away from each other.

Then in season six, they get really, really high.

Then in season six, they get really, really high.

And they kiss — for real this time.

And they kiss — for real this time.

Stan is into it.

Stan is into it.

But their relationship goes back to normal.

But their relationship goes back to normal.

Well, as normal as it can possibly be.

Well, as normal as it can possibly be.

And Peggy realizes her feelings for Stan, too.

And Peggy realizes her feelings for Stan, too.

And then this happens and everything is right with the world!

And then this happens and everything is right with the world!

Even if you hadn't been paying attention to their budding romance, it's still wonderfully satisfying.