How to Dress Like a Starbucks #PinkDrink For Halloween

POPSUGAR Photography | Brinton Parker
POPSUGAR Photography | Anna Monette Roberts
POPSUGAR Photography | Brinton Parker
POPSUGAR Photography | Anna Monette Roberts

Starbucks's #PinkDrink has taken over your Instagram feed, and as with any viral hit, it's likely to become one of 2016's most popular Halloween costumes. That's why I decided to plan early and dream up a #PinkDrink costume that's easy to re-create in an hour or less while still looking incredibly creative. The best part is that you can easily transform this into a group costume and create the whole line of Rainbow Drinks.

POPSUGAR Photography | Brinton Parker
POPSUGAR Photography | Anna Monette Roberts

Here's what you'll need:

  • 1-2 safety pins
  • 1 color printout of the Starbucks logo, cut into a circle
  • 1 pink dress (preferably strapless)
  • 1 large green Starbucks straw and plastic cup lid
  • 1 pair of red shoes/heels (bonus if they look like strawberries!)
  • 1 Pink Drink (optional, but it ties the costume together)

Once you've assembled your costume components, pin the Starbucks logo to the front of the dress using safety pins. Tie your hair into a topknot and stick the straw through the bun at a diagonal. Stick the cup lid through the straw and rest it along the top of the bun. Strap on your shoes and hold a Pink Drink in hand, and prepare to make other Starbucks fanatics like yourself really happy at the sight of you!

POPSUGAR Photography | Brinton Parker
POPSUGAR Photography | Anna Monette Roberts