Taste the Rainbow: Red

POPSUGAR Photography | Camilla Salem
POPSUGAR Photography | Camilla Salem

The first stop on our colorful tour of produce is the red section. Specifically, beets, red bell peppers, and radishes stood out on the grocery shelves. Find out our favorite ways to use these red ingredients:


Beets are full of deep, earthy flavor. They transform just about any dish in which they're used into a deep red color. We enjoy them on pizza with goat cheese, in pasta, roasted simply or sauteed with its greens, and even as the secret ingredient in a minty yogurt dip!

Red Bell Peppers

Perhaps the most beloved of the bell pepper family, these bright red vegetables have a very powerful flavor that lends itself well to several preparations. We especially love them fire-roasted and preserved in olive oil with garlic. They're also a colorful addition to scallop paella and white bean dip.


Although lately I can't get enough of thinly sliced radishes on fresh bread with butter, this tartine with bagna cauda butter takes things up a notch by incorporating garlic and anchovies. They are also a deliciously spicy addition to a simple green salad. But if you're looking for a more unexpected way to cook with radishes, we suggest braising them in butter.

What other rad — err, red — fruits and vegetables did we leave off?