Mix Beer and Sangrita For the Perfect Spicy Super Bowl Cocktail

Stephen Young
Stephen Young

You know how there's always that one person that doesn't drink beer at your Super Bowl party? The one that makes you stock up on other liquor and cocktail options that then end up untouched and unopened at the end of the night? Well, you can save yourself time and energy.This sangrita michelada, created by Mexican-American chef Aarón Sánchez for his New Orleans-based restaurant Johnny Sánchez, uses a spicy tomato salsa mix to make beer taste like anything but itself. There won't be an attendee in sight without one of these in one hand and a delicious snack in the other one.

Sangrita Michelada

Cook Time10 minutes

Aarón Sánchez


    • 2 cups tomato juice or clamato
    • 2 cups salsa roja
    • 1 cup fresh orange juice
    • Zest from 1 orange
    • 1⁄2 cup fresh lime juice
    • Zest from 1 lime
    • 1 tablespoon honey
    • 1⁄2 tablespoon Jugo Maggi
    • 1⁄2 tablespoon Valentina hot sauce
    • Salt to taste


    1. Add all ingredients into the blender and puree until smooth. Store in a cooler for up to 3 days.

    2. Bottom a glass with the mixture (around a 2 finger pour), and top with your favorite light beer.