How to Show Your Partner You Love Them — Because Actions Speak Louder Than Words

"I love you" is an incredibly powerful phrase, but as much as it has meaning, not everyone feels the same impact from the utterance. The reality is we all need to receive love and give love in a variety of ways, some of which aren't verbal. Some of us need to feel that "I love you" in a completely different way beyond those three words.

In fact, according to Gary Chapman, author of The 5 Love Languages, there are five languages of love. These five love languages are: receiving gifts, quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service (devotion), and physical touch. Do you know which one(s) you speak?

So, depending on how you or your partner need to feel loved, whether it's a lavish gift, a massage, or something else, read on to find the best, most powerful ways you can tell your partner how much he or she means to you that go beyond just saying, "I love you." Share with your partner to give ideas on some ways he or she can return the lovin' too.

Make a Meal For Your Love or Cook Together
Unsplash | Soroush Karimi

Make a Meal For Your Love or Cook Together

A home-cooked meal can really say "I love you" for the partner who savors acts of service or simply wants to feel appreciated. Even if you're not a good cook, the effort will always be noticed by a good partner.

Give a Massage
Unsplash | Toa Heftiba

Give a Massage

For the partner who craves physical touch, a massage is one way to say, "You mean so much to me!" without saying a word. It's also an act of service — taking time out to do something kind and loving for someone you care about.

If you have a partner who loves being gifted, buy him or her a spa massage package.

Affirm True Love With Music
Unsplash | Junior Pereira

Affirm True Love With Music

If you're a musician, this way of showing love is certainly a class act, but you don't have to be on key to say "I love you" through a song. A woman or man who loves words of affirmation will gush when you sing . . . especially if it's on a special occasion or even just a song to get them to sleep.

Spruce Up Your Lover's Spirits With Flowers
Unsplash | Annie Spratt

Spruce Up Your Lover's Spirits With Flowers

Unless you've got an allergy-stricken lover, handpicked or store-bought flowers will help make your lover feel incredibly special, especially if he or she is big into receiving gifts.

Add a poem or handwritten card to really send the message home to your love who needs words of affirmation.

Take on Some Chores
Unsplash | Andy Fitzsimon

Take on Some Chores

If your partner happens to be a parent, I guarantee taking on the laundry and other chores to relieve your partner will go a very long mile. Your partner who craves acts of service to feel loved will be so glad you chose to clean (and fold!) those whites.

Share Your Gratitude
Unsplash | Andy Fitz

Share Your Gratitude

Gratitude is the right attitude to help your lover who cherishes those words of affirmation to feel loved. Just saying how grateful you are to be blessed with this person's love can mean so much.

Stop For a Kiss  Anywhere
Pexels | Quintin Gellar

Stop For a Kiss Anywhere

Do you want to say "I love you" to the partner who needs touch to feel loved? Stop for a kiss . . . no matter where you are.

Get Away Together
Unsplash | Artem Bali

Get Away Together

Does your love require quality time in order to feel important? Take a getaway together to enjoy each other and truly make your partner feel oh so loved.

Hanging Out Together . . . Phone-Free
Unsplash | Becca Tapert

Hanging Out Together . . . Phone-Free

Kill three birds with one very loving stone. Sometimes just hanging out together phone-free is exactly what the love doctor ordered! A partner who desires quality time, loves touch, and needs words of affirmation can be pleased by this easy loving gesture.

Splurge on Some Divine Jewelry
Unsplash | Andy Holmes

Splurge on Some Divine Jewelry

Would a beautiful gift you've worked hard to buy make your best woman or man feel totally adored? Keep the love flowing with an amazing piece of jewelry.

Support Your Love
Pexels | Bich Tran

Support Your Love

When times get tough, be supportive. Whether it's words or a note with a little reminder about how much you support and believe in your loved one, this can make the bond between the two of you so much tighter. These words of affirmation will plant in your lover's heart for good.

Get Down and Dirty in the Name of Love
Unsplash | Benjamin Combs

Get Down and Dirty in the Name of Love

Take on some Summer projects to relieve your partner and he or she will feel extremely loved, especially if acts of service is your partner's love language of choice. Whether it's housework, fixing up a car, or some other laborious task, offering helping hands means so much.

Take a Spin
Unsplash | Priscilla Du Preez

Take a Spin

For the partner who craves physical touch, embrace for a slow dance and let the dance linger, because what's more romantic than that? Make sure to kiss. That will electrify your love's heart in a good way.

Get Intimate Together For the Day
Pexels | Stokpic

Get Intimate Together For the Day

Cuddling, sex, undressing each other: the partner who demands physical touch in order to feel loved will appreciate a lazy day at home just making love. All. Day. Long.

Pause All Calls For Breakfast In
Pexels | Freestocks

Pause All Calls For Breakfast In

For the partner who wants that quality time together, try a bed and breakfast for a night or even for a weekend. If you can't spend the money, just turn the phones on silent and do breakfast in bed right at home. The time focusing on your love will make him or her feel wanted and needed.