This Fascinating Video Details the Process of Sex Reassignment Surgery

News surrounding Caitlyn Jenner's transition this past year was probably the most amount of public exposure the subject of sex reassignment received. And although more and more personal accounts are being heard, there's not much we know about the medical process in particular that takes place — until now.

The European Association of Urology recently posted a video taking viewers through a very up-close visual journey of a male-to-female reassignment surgery.

Warning: This video detailing the process of sex-reassignment surgery is not for the squeamish. Despite the graphic nature of the animation, there's no denying how complicated and fascinating of a procedure it is.

First, the surgeon cuts open the scrotum and removes the testicles, and then proceeds to slice around the tip of the penis for removal (later to be used as the clitoris). Next, the shaft is deconstructed and displaced into the scrotum to create the labia and vaginal canal. Any remaining skin is removed to heal. As you'll see in the video, the original male sexual organs are physically reversed and repurposed to compose a newly formed and functional female body.

It's absolutely incredible to witness the ingenuity of medical practices, especially one that completely redesigns one's reproductive biology into a body they've always wanted to live in. Get educated on the mind-blowing process.