31 Signs You're Obsessed With Halloween

Halloween is finally on the horizon, but let's be honest, you've been planning your costume since June. In fact, you've basically been preparing since Nov. 1. Listen, there's no shame in being obsessed with The Addams Family, creating the ideal party punch with dry ice, and taste-testing candy corn! It's perfectly normal. Take a look at these 31 signs that your Halloween fandom might be a little more than casual.

You are the first to volunteer a million ideas for group costumes.
Warner Bros.

You are the first to volunteer a million ideas for group costumes.

"Bad Blood" or Inside Out? Decisions, decisions.

You comment on all your friends' kids' pictures from the pumpkin patch.

You comment on all your friends' kids' pictures from the pumpkin patch.

Ugh, they're all so adorbs.

Every year you try to get your friends to play Light as a Feather.
Columbia Pictures

Every year you try to get your friends to play Light as a Feather.

Your Halloween planning has, at times, gotten a little out of hand.

Your Halloween planning has, at times, gotten a little out of hand.

That friend who forgets to bring you the shoes you needed for your outfit is DEAD to you.

That friend who forgets to bring you the shoes you needed for your outfit is DEAD to you.

Where were you supposed to find red sequined pumps on such short notice?!

You've had some epic Halloween Pinterest fails.

You've had some epic Halloween Pinterest fails.

They make it look so easy, but it's not!

Your clever Halloween ideas have established you as the HWIC.

Your clever Halloween ideas have established you as the HWIC.

(Head witch in charge.)

You make sure you and your group color coordinate so no one clashes.
Columbia Pictures

You make sure you and your group color coordinate so no one clashes.

Group trip to Target? Yes, please.

You have a keen eye for Halloween party decor.

You have a keen eye for Halloween party decor.

If that costume selfie doesn't turn out right, you make sure your friend deletes it.

If that costume selfie doesn't turn out right, you make sure your friend deletes it.

Halloween is the one time of year when you give yourself a free pass to hook up with whoever you want.

Halloween is the one time of year when you give yourself a free pass to hook up with whoever you want.

You don't understand people who don't "do" Halloween.

You don't understand people who don't "do" Halloween.

Forget bikini season, your workout motivation is looking awesome in your costume come Oct. 31.

Forget bikini season, your workout motivation is looking awesome in your costume come Oct. 31.

Does doing half of a video about cottage-cheese thighs count?

You take trick-or-treating very seriously.
Columbia Pictures

You take trick-or-treating very seriously.

Generic candy corn? You have to be joking.

You would never bring store-bought cookies to a party.

You would never bring store-bought cookies to a party.

You may not have the time, but you will make the time.

You've threatened homicide over not finding a Halloween date . . .

You've threatened homicide over not finding a Halloween date . . .

But only because of the couples costume potential.

But only because of the couples costume potential.

You pride yourself on giving out the BEST Halloween candy.
Warner Bros.

You pride yourself on giving out the BEST Halloween candy.

Full-size Snickers for all.

You cannot wait to head out there and drink some Halloween punch.
Warner Bros.

You cannot wait to head out there and drink some Halloween punch.

There'd better be quality vodka in it; you're using your calories for this.

You can totally deal with your hideously uncomfortable costume because you look fabulous.

You can totally deal with your hideously uncomfortable costume because you look fabulous.

The only acceptable time to wear a corset is Halloween. You're not just going to throw away this opportunity.

You instantly spot the cute dudes at the party.

You instantly spot the cute dudes at the party.

Targets acquired.

You don't deal well with people showing up in the same costume.
Warner Bros.

You don't deal well with people showing up in the same costume.

Don't worry — it looks better on you.

In fact, you're not above sabotaging that person.

In fact, you're not above sabotaging that person.

The punch just slipped. Sorry not sorry.

You're pretty judgmental of other people's costumes.
Columbia Pictures

You're pretty judgmental of other people's costumes.

"She's going as Katniss again? That's so three years ago."

It's hard to hide your emotions when someone else's costume is a WRECK.
Warner Bros.

It's hard to hide your emotions when someone else's costume is a WRECK.

They obviously didn't follow the instructions in Real Simple.

Going to the Spirit store to claim its clearance items on Nov. 1 is a tradition for you.

Going to the Spirit store to claim its clearance items on Nov. 1 is a tradition for you.

Those cauldrons are still good for next year!

The day after Halloween puts you in a deep state of depression.

The day after Halloween puts you in a deep state of depression.

Until you realize you'll just have to start planning for next year.