Want to Know What Kids Think About the Election Results? See For Yourself

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After the shocking election results came in last week, parents around the nation asked, "What do we tell our children?" Well, a group of kids from the SheKnows Hatch program got together right after it was announced that Donald Trump would become the next president of the United States to share their real-time reactions, from feeling overwhelmed and confused to being "scared for what's going to happen to America."

Whether you are pro-Trump or have been a diehard Hillary Clinton supporter, you'll be impressed by their candid, thoughtful insights into what has certainly been the most contentious election cycle they've ever witnessed. As one girl said, "Donald Trump was a bit more charismatic and he had a very straightforward message." And as another pointed out, "What makes me hopeful is that a woman got this far, and I'm really proud of her."

Above all, what these kids say about those who have different viewpoints than them is perhaps the most inspiring part of the entire video. Yes, they're too young to vote, but we can all agree that when it's their time to cast a ballot, we sure hope that they do.