This Video of a Woman Wakesurfing at 40 Weeks Pregnant Is Mind-Blowing

A video posted by Kolby Fahlsing (@kolbtron) on

Once you start watching this video of a talented mom-to-be wakesurfing at 40 weeks pregnant, you won't be able to stop because of all the questions that will overtake your mind!

From pondering her safety and that of the baby to trying to figure out how she makes it look so easy while balancing a full-term bump, this video posted on Instagram of Kolby Fahlsing casually wakesurfing in hopes of inducing labor will definitely get you thinking. Kolby, who is now the proud mother of baby Wilder, wrote that she tried to relax by spending a day boating and that she was feeling super uncomfortable at the time she got on the wakesurf board.

"My legs hurt like no other. It feels like needles stabbing me all over," she captioned the video. "The swelling. Headaches. Nausea. Heartburn. And some cramping/contractions started. I make pain look good."