Watch the Democratic Debate Hottest Topics Unfold in Real Time

As the first Democratic debate for the 2016 presidential election took place tonight, a lot happened that people couldn't stop talking about — from Hillary Clinton's emails to the legalization of marijuana. While celebrities are quickly reacting to the remarks made, Google Trends analyzed its data to see just how much the candidates piqued the interest of its users.

In this first graph, you can see how candidates performed against each other throughout the night in terms of search volume.

In this second graph, you'll see what issues peaked throughout the debate and what ended up being the number one search topic.

It's pretty cool to see what people were actively searching for throughout the night, and to think about what that might mean. After Clinton's emails, the next two hot topics were gun control and immigration. Whether you were searching all night or are about to dive in, these trends should help you understand a little more about tonight's debate.