John Oliver Just Nailed the Main Difference Between Trump's and Clinton's Scandals

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John Oliver returned from a hiatus this weekend, just in time for the first presidential debate. On this week's Last Week Tonight, Oliver dismantled Hillary Clinton's and Donald Trump's so-called scandals and demonstrated just how much worse Trump's are.

While it's true that the candidates are two of the least-trusted nominees in history, Oliver had one response to Clinton's low favorability. "If you are struggling to vote for Hillary because of all this, you need to take a long, hard look at Trump. If you're irritated by her lying, that is understandable. But he's quantifiably worse," Oliver said. He has a point. Politifact has tracked the veracity of Trump's and Clinton's statements over the years: 13 percent of Clinton's were flatly false. Comparably, 53 percent of Trump's were false.

Oliver then dissected Clinton's email controversy and her dealings with the Clinton Foundation. Before launching into Trump's vast scandals, he said of Clinton's scandals, "Not good, but it's not as bad as it looks." In the second half of the segment, he discussed the depths of Trump's financial mishandlings. As Oliver pointed out, the Trump Foundation donated to Pam Bondi, the attorney general in Florida, right after her office announced it was investigating Trump University. Bondi later declined to press charges. Oliver also detailed Trump's history of using his charity funds to purchase things for himself, saying, "It seems the Trump Foundation may exist primarily to benefit Trump himself."

Oliver went back to Clinton's scandals and concluded, "This campaign has been dominated by scandals, but it is dangerous to think that there is an equal number on both sides."