If You Thought Trump's Tweets Couldn’t Sound Any Crazier, You Clearly Haven't Heard Them Read By Gollum

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Just when we thought there was no way to make light of Donald Trump's immature and appalling Twitter antics, along comes Gollum from Lord of the Rings, and we can't stop cracking up. During an appearance on The Late Show on July 11, Andy Serkis revived his much-loved role for a sensational reading of President Trump's tweets, and it was "precious."

Serkis jumped onto Colbert's couch in true hobbit form to tackle tweets about "fake news," "covfefe," and so much more. It's pretty ironic because during the series, Gollum's character turned evil after possessing the One Ring. And the ring symbolized the character's insatiable need for power and showed how power can lead to mass chaos and corruption in society. Interesting . . .

Check out the video above, and watch Trump's tweets read by a "shriveled hobbit" around the 3:45 mark.

Of course @andyserkis had to read a Trump tweet as Gollum. #LSSC pic.twitter.com/wn73YFRenG

— The Late Show (@colbertlateshow) July 12, 2017