Trump's Comments About His "Chemistry" With President Obama Will Make You Do a Spit Take

Shortly after Time magazine publicly announced Donald Trump would be its Person of the Year for 2016, the president-elect spoke to the Today show about receiving the "great honor" during a live phone interview — and about his fondness for President Barack Obama.

Matt Lauer began by reminding Trump that he had previously said the magazine would never give him the Person of the Year title. In response, Trump said, "Well, it's a great honor. It means a lot, especially me growing up reading Time magazine. It's a very important magazine and I've been lucky enough to be on the cover many times this year and last year."

Trump did take issue with the cover naming him as the "President of the Divided States of America." He said, "Well, I think putting 'divided' is snarky. Again, I'm not president yet. So, I didn't do anything to divide."

While Trump would typically put the blame on the sitting president, he instead launched into a glowing review about President Obama. "I will say this, I've now gotten to know President Obama. I really like him — I can say for myself, I can't speak for him — but we have a really good chemistry together," he said. "We talk. He loves the country. He wants to do right by the country and for the country. We obviously very much disagree on certain policies and certain things, but I really like him as a person."

The president-elect, who led the false birther movement against Obama, also confirmed that he had spoken to Obama for advice about his impending cabinet nominations. (Refer to 10:35.) Throughout the rest of the interview, Trump spoke about his improving relationship with Mitt Romney, Alec Baldwin's Saturday Night Live impression of him, and his unyielding Twitter habits.

Listen to the full interview above.