Kristen Stewart's Latest Interview Is Filled With All Sorts of Gems

Getty | Dimitrios Kambouris

In addition to spending quality time with her rumored new love, Alicia Cargile, Kristen Stewart has been keeping busy promoting her latest film, Still Alice, which garnered her costar Julianne Moore the best actress award at the Golden Globes last week. Kristen plays Julianne's daughter in the family drama, and Julianne recently gushed about the former Twilight star, saying, "She was a true partner, she's a wonderful actress, and she's a great friend." Kristen returned the favor in a recent interview with Salon, calling Julianne "a genius" and adding, "I knew I could work with her; I knew that I could play her daughter." The actress also gave candid quotes on her bygone Twilight days as well as her "hero" status among fans. She also gave some insight into her perceived "give no f*cks" attitude, and what she said might surprise you. Here are seven of the standout quotes from Kristen Stewart's recent Salon piece.

  1. "Actors can definitely fill in blanks, and it happens all the time. You don't always have these amazing connections and these moments of — it's cheesy as f*ck — real, serious, truthful, fleeting moments that you can take no credit for. They just happen."
  2. "[Acting is] a strange job to have. There's this huge grey area. It is life, you know what I mean? It's sort of a strange alternate world. It's a trip."
  3. "I've never tactfully maneuvered through anything I felt passionately about — my job being really, really high on that list. I haven't planned, I haven't thought about my trajectory or how to design my career in a way that I can get what I want. Luckily I've gotten what I wanted naturally — I'm such a lucky bastard — but I had no idea Twilight was going to be a big deal, it blew up."
  4. "You can f*ck around on a movie set, do this and that, make fun of things. It's like, this isn't real, we're not curing cancer."
  5. "I wonder how I would be and how I would be shaped without these projects and without these insane f*cking learning experiences in such isolated and accelerated periods of time. It's definitely cool that people like some of the projects I've been doing lately. That is awesome, even though I have not always been completely comfortable being shoved into the brightest, most blinding spotlight you can imagine."
  6. "I'm like, actually, no one gives a f*ck like me. No one gives more of a f*ck than me. It's just ironic to me. I'm always like, really?"
  7. "People always ask if I chose the projects I've chosen because I'm trying to redefine myself or people's perception of me. Uh, no. In a word, nah."
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