11 Times Grey's Anatomy Characters Predicted Their Own Future


Maybe it's the magic of the Shonda Rhimes machine, or maybe it's just the world's biggest coincidence, but Grey's Anatomy has been foreshadowing its own future, pretty much from the very first season. This may seem like the ridiculous dream of a fangirl who spends way too much time dreaming up Grey's theories, but one person's coincidence is another person's clandestine plot lines.


The Comment About Derek's Sisters

Of all the catastrophes in Grey's Anatomy's 12 seasons, McDreamy's death may have been the most traumatic — and it seems like Shonda Rhimes and company knew all along he was going to die. In the second episode of the first season, Derek tells Meredith, "You know I have four sisters? Very girlie, tons of kids. If I was in a coma, they'd all be here. I'd want them here."


The Car Accident Quotes

In season five, Meredith dreams Derek would die in a car accident, which he does six seasons later. Then there's the time that Derek is acting out after his near-fatal shooting, driving wildly and recklessly. He's arrested and thrown in jail, where Meredith leaves him to think about what's he's done. She's angry he's being so thoughtless about his behavior, worrying he will die in a car accident!


Amelia's Biting Words

Even Amelia offers up a little foreshadowing. In one of her and Meredith's many fights, she tearily accuses her sister-in-law of being cold and without empathy. She tells Mer: "You've never lost the love of your life. You've never stood over the body of the person you love most in the world." It wouldn't take long for that to come true for Meredith.


Cristina and Meredith's Exchange

Cristina seems to hint at Dr. Shepard's demise and maybe even the plane crash, too. When Meredith asks her to be Zola's godmother, in true Cristina Yang-style, this exchange happens:

Cristina: "So, if you and Derek are in a plane crash and you die, the kid is mine?"
Meredith: "Yes."
Cristina: "I have to admit I kind of hope you and Derek die just a little bit. So I can raise the kid with decent priorities."
Meredith: "I have priorities."
Cristina: "Oh?"
Meredith: "Surgery."
Cristina: "Oh, you can raise a good little surgeon. I take it back."


Arizona and the Plane Crash

That plane crash in season eight is a huge deal. It was a punch in our TV-loving hearts and left us all with a little bit of low-key PTSD. But we may have overlooked a lot of moments that would have prepared us for the trauma. Way back in season five, Arizona may have given us a glimpse of the horrible future. She and Alex get on a plane to harvest some organs from a donor in another hospital, and Arizona complains about her fear of flying. She says this very, very cryptic thing: "I hate flying. I always feel much closer to death flying than in the OR, don't you?"


George's Ironic Nickname

Early in the Grey's run, George earned the nickname "007" because he had a "license to kill." It's this very nickname that allows Meredith to identify him as the John Doe who saves the old lady from getting hit by a bus. George is injured so badly he is completely unrecognizable when he arrives in the ER, and he has to sign the numbers "007" into Meredith's hand so she would know this is him. Although this isn't technically foreshadowing and falls more under the "irony" tab, it's still a boss move on the part of the writing staff.


Callie, Owen, and the Amputation

In the season eight episode with the sinkhole, Callie and Owen are working on saving the victims together. They come across a man in the hole, and Callie has to talk the man through the process of amputating a leg. In the not-too-distant future, Callie would have to make the decision to amputate Arizona's leg after the plane crash.


Cristina's Switzerland Mention

We knew Sandra Oh was leaving Grey's long before her exit in season 10, but it looks like we could have known eight years earlier. In the season two premiere, she and Meredith have this conversation in the elevator:

Meredith: "After all this time, all your warnings about me sleeping with my boss, and you're doing the same exact thing."
Cristina: "You and McDreamy are in a relationship."
Meredith: "And you and Burke are in . . . ?"
Cristina: "Switzerland. It's very neutral there. They make very nice watches."

Looks like Cristina knew all along where she'd end up!


Lexie's Final Moments

Little Grey's death is incredibly sad and felt like such a huge waste. I mean . . . we were robbed of the chance to see her and Mark live happily ever after! But her final moments are exactly as she had wanted. Back in season five, in the now-infamous "broken penis" episode, Lexie tells Mark exactly how she wants to be treated when she's ill. She tells him that when she's hurt she "wants someone to hold my hand and play with my hair," and that's EXACTLY what Mark does in her final moments.


Derek's "Drowning" Comment

Way back in season two, before there was a Post-It wedding (or a real wedding, for that matter), or any children, or before half of the calamities that eventually befall Meredith and Derek, they were merely star-crossed lovers and heart-eyed emoji. They were so in love, Derek regularly said things like this to Meredith: "It's like I was drowning, and you saved me." This is very sweet, but also wildly cryptic; merely one season later, Derek is the one who saves Meredith from drowning during the ferry crash.


Meredith's Bathtub Scene

In fact, the episode "Walk on Water" from season three opens with Meredith in the bathtub, looking a little like she's trying to drown herself. Derek intervenes and tells her then, "You would have drowned in that bathtub if I had not been there." Whether it's irony or foreshadowing, this is some serious attention to detail.

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