Grey's Anatomy Won't Be Back Until 2019 — Here's What You Need to Remember


Grey's Anatomy is always a roller-coaster ride, and season 15's jaw-dropper of a mid-season finale is no exception. The final episode of the year, albeit drawing from Grey's trope box with the familiar uses of natural disasters and love triangles, left fans with pretty juicy cliffhangers.

With her marriage on the rocks, Dr. Bailey buckles up and takes charge of the hospital in the midst of a crazy storm and power outage. Richard and Catherine's relationship hangs in the balance as he's yet to find out about her tumor. Then we have Mer and DeLuca, who're stuck in an elevator together, the sexual tension sparking between them almost unbearable. There's lots to digest, so here's everything that you need to remember, as well as our predictions for what's going to happen next, when the season picks up!


Miranda helms the hospital during the wind storm.

Despite easing up her obligations as chief, Miranda is stills stressed out, partially due to Ben's job as a firefighter. They're on a break, though Ben does swing by their house to board up the windows. After Alex accidentally sleeps in, Miranda helms Grey Sloan during the storm and declares a "brick house" — that's to say, the hospital won't shut down no matter how much the wind blows.

I can already see the stress of this situation ultimately impacting her relationship with Ben for better or for worse. Now that Ben is a main character on Station 19, it might be harder to weave both characters seamlessly onto both shows, but I'm rooting for them to work out.


The newlyweds are at home, and apparently, they're not technically married yet.

Due to bad weather, Jo and Alex end up quarantined at home after Alex oversleeps. Nothing much happens on their front, other than that Jo discovers that Alex forgot to send in their marriage license. But there's no drama after that reveal since they both know that they love each other. Aww!

While they can't move around yet, I have a lurking suspicion that the happy couple will find a way to help the hospital even when homebound. Maybe Alex will help activate the backup generator (can you do that remotely?!) or figure out some other administrative task. Then again, either he or Jo could have a medical emergency on their hands, but let's knock on wood that doesn't happen.


DeLuca confesses his feelings to Meredith . . . but then there's Link.

The DeLuca, Link, and Meredith love triangle is ripe for picking! Meredith's patient-slash-matchmaker Cece is ready to get her liver transplant, and DeLuca straight-up tells her that it's dangerous. After Meredith calls DeLuca brave for being honest, he tells her that he thinks she's amazing. Meredith feels uncertain about his advances, but they end up stuck in an elevator together during the power outage.

Many a hot and romantic encounter has transpired in Grey Sloan's magical elevators, so I can only imagine them forging a connection during their time together in it, whether it's deeply emotional or purely physical.


And so are Owen, Teddy, and Amelia.

Owen definitely still feels shocked after Teddy reveals to him that she's carrying Baby Hunt. When the power turns off, Owen, Amelia, and Teddy end up in an elevator together. Awkwardness and dramatic irony ensue, and we're almost certain that Amelia is going to find out about Teddy's pregnancy very soon.

While fans have shipped Teddy and Owen for a while, it's hard not to feel sympathy for Amelia, who's just started to get her footing after her brain surgery, divorce, and big brother's death. My prediction is that Amelia will break things off with Owen and that the departure will be mature, but not entirely drama-free.


Maggie tells Jackson about his mother.

Maggie is crestfallen after learning about Jackson texting other people. Meredith, breaking HIPAA, helps her sister put things in perspective by revealing to her Catherine's cancer diagnosis. When they kiss and make up, Maggie tells Jackson that his mother is in trouble. She doesn't tell Jackson his mother's exact diagnosis yet, just that it's bad. The actual reveal will likely devastate Jackson, but also bring the two closer together. We saw the two of them connect when Maggie's mother passed away, so here's to them working things out like mature, emotionally intelligent adults when their families need them most.


Nico and Glasses get hot and steamy.

Nico and Levi/Glasses are, without a doubt, Grey's hottest new couple. After Nico runs straight into the storm, Glasses, now without glasses, helps the sexy ortho surgeon into a nearby ambulance truck to patch him up. Anyway, Levi says that he's not in a shame spiral with who he is, and that it's Nico who's been making things weird between them after their kiss. Things get hot and steamy from there . . . and then a utility pole crashes near them. I doubt that anyone will die, but I'm going to be so sad if someone gets hurt.


Richard doesn't know about Catherine's diagnosis yet.

Prior to the midseason finale, Richard has an incredibly emotional moment in which he smashes up a bar where the shady owner offers drinks for AA chips. The situation involves property damage, but I can't imagine it getting as bad as the Alex pummeling DeLuca situation in season 13. While calling Catherine, Richard finds Tom Koracick picking up her call and suspects that she's having an affair with the neurosurgeon.

Richard will inevitably find out about the tumor and Catherine about the bar incident, but I'm praying that they come out of this situation stronger together after some initial kinks. Dear Grey's Anatomy writers, please protect Debbie Allen's amazing character at all costs! My heart can't handle this!

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