Supernatural: Where in the World Is Jack Hiding?

The CW

Supernatural's Jack (our favorite new character) may be multidimensional, but he is more innocent and pure than anything else. He is this adorable, baby-faced angel who is good on the inside, but he can't control certain elements of himself.

And now, he's lost.

During "Tombstone," he sends a telekinetic force toward a ghoul. It also happens to take down a nearby security guard, who dies from blunt force after hitting a pole. Jack winds up having a total meltdown over murdering an innocent man, even if it is a total accident. It makes him afraid of his powers, and he doesn't want to hurt his friends, because as he says himself, they are all he has.

Of course, the gang does their best to console him, telling him that this is a mistake and everyone has done something similar, but that isn't a good enough resolution for him. So, he apologizes before teleporting out of the bunker, and poof. Gone.

Fast forward a couple episodes, and still no Jack.

Listen, I would be telling a big, fat lie if I said that I wasn't worried about our dear (half) angel Jack. Not that he isn't strong or smart enough to fend for himself — because he totally is — but he is made up of innocence and has powers that he might not be able to control all that well. So, needless to explain, I might be a bit concerned.

Where is Jack? Is he OK? Is he safe? We haven't been given much here except for a dangling, two-episode-long cliffhanger. He doesn't have a whole lot of places he could go hide in. Does he? Technically, he is like a baby. Is he in the house he was born in, where Sam finds him along with his (deceased) mother? Maybe that house reminds him of the good parts of his mother? Perhaps it might bring him some comfort when he is feeling insecure and vulnerable?

He could also be hiding out and eating a bounty of nougat at the sheriff's station. Naturally, that would mean he'd have consent from Sheriff Barker, and if that were the case, wouldn't he have notified Sam and Dean? He could also be off with Lucifer somewhere, but dear lord I hope not, because that won't bring us anything but trouble.

Word is he will be returning in the next episode, so I guess we'll see how things play out and where he spent this in-between time.

Wherever Jack might be, I hope that he is safe and has gotten his hands on a lot of nougat.

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