This Family Hosted a Wedding For 2 Strangers at the Last Minute — and We're Tearing Up

Dulce Gonzalez was hoping for perfect weather for her beachside wedding in Pascagoula, MS, on July 1. While she awoke to clear skies on the big day, the sunshine didn't last long, and just before she was set to marry Ariel, her boyfriend of two years, it started to pour as a storm rolled in.

Panicked, Dulce hopped in a car with the rest of her wedding party to wait out the storm until a friendly onlooker, Cynthia Strunk, offered up her home to the couple as a potential wedding venue. Cynthia shared how the situation went down in a Facebook post — and yes, she and her husband Shannon completely saved the day.

"Saturday afternoon it was our pleasure to host an impromptu wedding at our home," wrote Cynthia. "A beachfront wedding had been planned and all was set up and ready, but the weather just did not cooperate. We saw all the guests in their cars waiting (and hoping) for the rain to stop. Shannon and I decided to invite them to have the wedding in our home."

Dulce said at first she was perplexed when she saw Cynthia coming up to the car. But after she heard her offer, she graciously accepted. "She comes out and the lightning strikes, so she put her umbrella down," Dulce told Yahoo. "She came up to the window and said, 'Y'all are more than welcome to come to our house. I'll have everything ready in 10 minutes.'"

"It honestly looked like we had planned it there."

With help from Shannon and a neighbor, they got to work decorating their large, open living room for a wedding. Soon enough, all of Dulce and Ariel's 50 guests were seated and ready to watch the happy couple get hitched.

"It honestly looked like we had planned it there," said Dulce, adding that: "God definitely wanted us to get married. Thank you for sending us these two little angels to save our big day and make it even more special."

"It was a wonderful experience. The wedding party was so gracious and appreciative, and we were thankful that we could offer our home," said Cynthia. "I can say that it was the fastest wedding we have ever set up (ten minutes). It was the cheapest. And it was the quickest to clean up. We highly recommend impromptu weddings."

After celebrating, Cynthia and Dulce exchanged numbers and hope to get together for dinner at some point in the future. But for now, she's just grateful Cynthia offered some help when they needed it most: "We will never ever forget that day. That was an extreme blessing and made our big day even more special."

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