Why This "Concerned" Mom Is Warning Others About an Anti-Vax Family in the Area

A concerned mom in Wisconsin is going the extra mile to ensure others are aware of a family who doesn't vaccinate their children in the area. In an anonymous letter that was shared on Imgur, the concerned neighbor goes as far as to identify the anti-vaxer family and outline all the reasons why this behavior is dangerous. And although her action might seem rash, given the recent measles outbreaks throughout the US, the action may be warranted.

"Your neighbor does not believe in vaccinating herself or her family," she warned. "This puts anyone at risk if they are medically fragile, immunocompromised, or out of date in their vaccinations. Please use caution when sharing work or personal space with this individual, eating foods prepared by this individual, or attending gatherings at this individual's house if you or the people who are important to you fall into medically at-risk categories. The unvaccinated pose a unique threat to infants, who often don't yet have a full course of vaccinations completed, and can quickly become deathly ill or die."

After rattling off all the states in which a measles outbreak has recently occurred — including New York, Oregon, California, Washington, North Carolina, Florida, Texas, Kentucky, and Kansas, and more — she encouraged the recipient to protect her family.

"People who don't believe in vaccines often hold other views that are at odds with widely accepted facts related to science and medicine," explained the mom. "Protect yourself, your family, and your community by using caution when interacting with these people. They have caused hundreds of thousands of vaccine-preventable disease in recent years, costing several hundred million dollars around the globe, not including the costs associated with preventable deaths and disabilities."

Although this anonymous letter seems extreme, it may save a life of a newborn or a child who is immunocompromised, and yes, that's very important.

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