Preschool Sweethearts Cross Paths as Adults, and Just Welcomed Their Rainbow Baby

Amy Pounders

About a month into dating after meeting on, Justin Pounders admitted to his now wife, Amy, that he had always loved the name Amy since he was a toddler, on account of there being an Amy in his preschool class he had his first crush on. Jokingly, Amy told him that she didn't want to "hear about another girl named Amy," and the moment passed — until Justin mentioned a month later that he went to Sunshine Preschool, which is where Amy, who is the exact same age, went as well.

"The familiarity of the school name shot me up off the bed and I said, 'What? You went to Sunshine Preschool? I went to sunshine preschool!'" Amy told POPSUGAR. "My jaw HIT THE FLOOR! I jumped up and said: 'Oh my God! I must be that Amy! I'm your preschool sweetheart!' I then joked and asked him, 'Well did you ever wonder about me?' He laughed and scoffed, 'Oh yeah, I've been pining over you for 30 years!'"

And the rest, as they say, was history.

About a year into their relationship, Justin's mom found a photo of the pair sitting next to each other at preschool. Then in 2015, once their story and old photo from 1986 went viral, the couple went onto The View, where Justin proposed to Amy with the help of a few preschoolers holding up signs that read, "Amy, will you marry me?" They were married exactly a year later, in 2016, and a year after that, began trying for a baby.

However, their whirlwind, love-at-first-sight romance unfortunately took a turn once they began trying to conceive.

"We started trying for a baby in May of 2017. I tested positive towards the end of May. Elated with the news of being pregnant, I chose to keep it a secret from Justin for almost a week so I could arrange a surprise for him. After revealing to Justin we were pregnant we decided to tell only our immediate family about the happy news. We spent the entire weekend surprising our family. It was a weekend of so much love and happiness! Unfortunately, I began spotting the following week," Amy said. "We were devastated to say the least. I've prayed my entire life to be a mom. I've been playing mommy my whole life . . . My heart aches for all moms and dads out there who suffer through infertility. This broke Justin's heart just as much as mine."

This would happen twice more over the next few months, so Amy decided to take a break from trying to get pregnant to focus on a new job. She then took a test after Hurricane Irma to figure out her ovulation schedule, and discovered, surprisingly, that she was pregnant. Fast forward to June 5, 2018 — exactly a year after the Pounders lost their first baby — and their rainbow baby, Conrad Maverick, made his appearance.

"Having our little guy home with us is better than any dream we had," Amy said. "Waking up each day brings so much happiness to our hearts. We still can't believe we're the lucky ones chosen to be his Mommy and Daddy. Nothing can describe the feelings of the first moments holding him in my hands, against my chest. It's the most intense feeling of love I've ever known or felt. It was multiplied by looking into Justin's eyes. We both cried and just held him. His little eyes were wide open. I remember feeling his little body in my hands and thinking I can't believe this is real. It really happened. He's here, he's healthy, he's all ours."

But the new mom can't forget the struggles her and Justin went through to get to this point, and Amy hopes that other couples dreaming to become parents will find hope in her story.

"My advice for anyone struggling to believe their happy ending doesn't seem likely, is this: everyone is deserving of happiness. It doesn't mean it will come easy or without pain and heartbreak. It doesn't happen fast or when you think it should. It happens when you choose to keep pushing forward, when you keep living life with a positive mind regardless of the curves life has thrown your way. In the middle of a random day things can suddenly change for the better. So keep an open heart and an open mind, and trust it will all work out when it's supposed to. Until then, hang in there."

Amy Pounders

Amy and Justin sitting next to each other at Sunshine Preschool in 1986.

Amy Pounders

Amy Pounders

Justin proposing on The View.

Amy Pounders

Justin, after proposing to Amy.

Amy Pounders

Amy and Justin, newly engaged.

Roohi Photography

The couple's sweet engagement photo shoot.

Roohi Photography

Wedding photos, a year after their epic TV engagement.

Mikaela Rose Photography

Maternity photos taken before Conrad was born.

Mikaela Rose Photography

Amy Pounders

June 5, 2018: Conrad makes his entrance.

Amy Pounders

Amy Pounders

Amy Pounders

Amy Pounders

Justin's first Father's Day.

Amy Pounders

Baby Face Portraits

Baby Face Portraits

Baby Face Portraits

Baby Face Portraits

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