10 Pieces You Should Always Buy Multiples Of

Getty | Jason Merritt
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There's no telling how many times we've regretted not buying multiples of an item that we end up loving and wearing 24/7. It's basically our worst shopping nightmare next to hearing, "sorry, it's sold out." If you find yourself going back and forth between buying that top in black or gray, just get it in both colors. Because chances are, weeks later, when you're getting dressed in the morning you'll think back to how your outfit would look so much better if you had that [insert color] option too.

That's why we've decided to come up with a definitive list of pieces you should always stock up on once you find the one. To prevent future heartaches, read ahead to see the items you need multiples of, from a wearable white tee to the tiny, cute midi ring.



OK, so you probably have like five white T-shirts but there's probably only one you wear the most. This is the tee you should buy multiples of and in every color. If you have yet to find "the one," browse our definitive picks for best white tees.


Bras or Bralettes

Aside from people at the gym or your SO, no one really sees your bra that often. But, that doesn't mean you shouldn't stock up on the one you find the most comfortable. They're likely the one item in your closet that gets the most wear.



If you got caught up in a sweater craze, you're not alone. We found ourselves with 20 different sweaters this Winter when we really only need a few. Aside from buying trendy styles with ruffles or prints, go back for a basic sweater in multiple colors. That's the one you'll wear with everything.


White Sneakers

There's nothing sadder than saying R.I.P to our beloved white sneakers after a weekend at music festivals or the last wash after the 100th wear. Because they're such a versatile staple in our closets, it's worth picking up a few pairs from the brand you love so you always have it in your closet.


Midi Rings

Is anyone else prone to losing midi rings after a night out? Because this tiny accessory is bound to go MIA, invest in multiples of the same one from affordable retailers like Forever 21 or Topshop. If you own a pricey one, it's best to save it for special occasions.


Black Tights

Because tights will always randomly get holes or rips, it's smarter to buy packs of your favorite ones for Fall and Winter. Don't take the chance that it'll still be in stock months from now, since it probably won't be.



When you finally find the denim that fits your silhouette, enhances your butt, and survives in the wash — get them in all colors ASAP. Whether it be a pair of mom jeans or skinny jeans, you won't regret stocking up on this totally necessary basic.


Black or Tan Flats

The little ballet will always have a spot in our hearts but this season with so many new variations, we'll happily invest in a blackless style. The mules are just as likely to get its fair amount of wears, so don't be afraid to pick up a pair in several colors.



When your shirt still doesn't look right after its tucked into your pants, that's when you need to pull out the bodysuit. The obvious color to shop for is black, though we also suggest stocking up on other neutral colors like tan, white, and gray.


Stud Earrings

Count tiny studs as the number one item we almost always lose. To avoid a frantic search in the morning through your jewelry box for the MIA earring, buy multiples of your favorite set.

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