Light and Fluffy 2-Ingredient Plantain Pancakes

The following post was previously featured on Purely Twins and was written by Lori Morris and Michelle Corso, who are a part of POPSUGAR Select Fitness.

Simple, quick and easy to make light and fluffy plantain pancakes. With just two ingredients, these pancakes are Paleo, gluten-free, dairy-free, grain-free, and have no sugar added. They come together in a few minutes and make the perfect healthy pancakes. And it makes enough for just one!

Pancakes are great at bringing back childhood memories. Well they do for us.

We enjoy pancakes all different kinds of ways. We like them plain, drizzled with maple syrup, a touch of butter (well, ghee in our case), covered with defrosted frozen fruit, yogurt, peanut butter, or even our go-to breakfast mush we like on top.

Pancakes are the ultimate comfort food no matter how you stack or slather them up. There really is no wrong way to eat pancakes. Especially the ones we are sharing with you today as they are a pretty basic recipe that can be jazzed up any way YOU like! These light and healthy Paleo friendly pancakes are so delicious! You won't believe that they're made without flour! Promise!

Please share these thin and fluffy plantain pancakes with your pancake loving friends.

We love simple, no-fail recipes. Recipes that you know are easy to adapt or add to with ease. This recipe is just that. It's quick to make and we're willing to bet you've got everything you need to make them right now. That is if you have plantains stocked in your house like we do.

You've probably seen or heard about the banana-egg two-ingredient pancakes that everyone raves about on Pinterest. Well . . . we think this plantain version is even better.

Inspiration for this recipe came from Michelle's love of pancakes. She was the pancake queen in our house growing up. In the past, we called on boxed mixes to make our pancakes. Not anymore. These are our go-to no fail pancakes! Michelle approves!

We made this recipe a few years ago when our love for plantains started but felt this recipe deserved an update.

This easy homemade pancake recipe is light and fluffy! The BEST pancake you will ever make! Great for breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner! You can eat pancakes anytime you want in our house.

The easiest, most delicious healthy fluffy plantain pancakes that serves 1.

It's hard to believe just some eggs and a plantain will make moist and delicious pancakes. Made in just a few minutes too.

All you have to do is blend. Cook. Flip. Enjoy.

We find keeping the pancakes on the smaller side they do best since there is no flour helping hold them together.

Flourless 2-Ingredient Plantain Pancakes

Cook Time15 Minutes
YieldDepends on Size Scooper; serves 1

Purely Twins


    • 3 whole eggs
    • Half of a plantain, 100g after being peeled
    • Few drops of stevia for sweetness (optional)


    1. Preheat skillet over medium heat.

    2. Peel plantain.

    3. Chop plantain and toss into blender.

    4. Add eggs into blender.

    5. Blend ingredients until smooth.

    6. Spoon some batter into a small circle in the nonstick pan.

    7. Give it a few minutes to cook on one side.

    8. Then flip and allow pancakes to finish cooking on the other side, until you've achieved a slight golden-brown color.

    9. Continue this until all the pancake batter is cooked.

    10. Plate and enjoy with some butter and/or maple syrup.


    Flourless pancakes made from just 2 ingredients. Great for breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner! This easy homemade pancake recipe is light and fluffy! Just a few steps and ingredients involved and they're so good, better than box pancakes.
