A High-Protein Breakfast to Jump-Start Your Metabolism

Lizzie Fuhr

I am borderline addicted to breakfast sandwiches. There's something slightly magical about the perfect combination of eggs, bread, and bacon all together in one indulgent bite. Unfortunately, this decadence comes with a hefty caloric and fatty price tag. And if you're looking to get fit or take off weight in 2015, a rich breakfast sandwich can't be part of your everyday routine.

The next time you're craving a heavy egg sandwich, skip the long brunch lines, and opt for this much lighter homemade recipe from dietitian Julie Upton, MS, RD, of Appetite For Health instead. It's easy to throw together for a quick weekday breakfast but still tastes like a special indulgence — fit for any fun Sunday brunch get-together.

Egg and Canadian Bacon English Muffin

Cook Time10 minutes
Yield1 sandwich

From Julie Upton, MS, RD


    • 2 eggs
    • 1 whole-wheat light English muffin
    • 2 slices Canadian bacon
    • 1/2 cup arugula or spinach
    • 1/8 avocado (2 slices)
    • 2 slices tomato


    1. Bring a large pot of salted water to a rolling boil. Slowly lower the 2 eggs into the pot, and set a timer for 5 minutes.

    2. Meanwhile, toast your English muffin and cook your Canadian bacon according to package directions.

    3. Layer all the ingredients (except for the eggs) on your toasted English muffin.

    4. Once the timer goes off, remove your eggs from the pot, and run them under cold water. Peel off the shells, and then slice the eggs down the center. Top off each half of your English muffin with a homemade soft-boiled egg.
