This Gymnast-Saving Man Is Basically Snape and Mace Windu in One

Warner Bros.

Image Source: Imgur user Dalolfish

There must be something in the air coming from Comic-Con 2015, because a man used some serious Jedi mind tricks to prevent this gymnast from falling off a balance beam after her wobbly landing. It's a man who many Imgur users are calling Mace Windu after this amazing GIF was posted with the title, "Thanks Mace!" While we're not actually sure when this brilliant occurrence took place, one thing is certain: this man is pure magic. Also, this provides the perfect opportunity for the ultimate Star Wars and Harry Potter mashup! Just take a cue from some of the commenters:

"Pictured outside of frame: Snape is muttering counter charms."

"The emperor was on the opposite side using the force to push her over."

"I KNEW he didn't die a long time ago, in a galaxy far away, off a high rise building."

"And then we have Quirrell somewhere, doing his thing."

"Hermione can be seen running up the stairs to set his sh*t on fire."

Warner Bros.
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