This 15-Minute Beach Workout Will Burn Every Part of Your Body


Don't skip the workout just because you're on vacation! With some help from elite powerlifter and Reebok trainer Charity Witt, who can squat and deadlift more than 400 pounds, Reebok put together the perfect seven-move workout you can do on the beach, on a dock next to a lake, or in the air-conditioned comfort of your home away from home. All you need are some basic items you've probably already packed, like a water bottle or jug, a beach ball, a cooler, and a bottle of sunscreen.

Directions: This workout will take you 15 minutes. Complete each exercise for 90 seconds. If the movement includes two sides, do each side for 90 seconds. Not enough of a workout? Repeat this seven-move circuit for a total of two or three times.

Beach Ball Jump Squat

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and hold a beach ball overhead. No ball? Hold a rolled-up towel instead or just extend the hands above you.
  • Squat down so your legs are at a 90-degree angle, then jump off the ground as you stand back up.
  • Do 90 seconds' worth of jump squats.

Water Bottle Turkish Get-Up

  • Lie on your back holding a water bottle in one hand with your arm fully extended above your chest.
  • Bend the knee of the same side to a 90-degree angle and keep your other leg outstretched on the ground.
  • Begin by lifting the water bottle toward the sky, raising your torso up, and leaning into the other hand.
  • Continue to stand, bringing your straight leg beneath your body and resting on your knee.
  • Rise into a standing position, keeping the water bottle above your head the entire time.
  • Perform the above movements in reverse to come back down.
  • Complete this exercise for 90 seconds on each side.

Cooler Press With Leg Raise

  • Lie on your back and hold a cooler above your head. No cooler? Get creative and use something else like the water jug or your beach bag filled with towels (just be careful not to drop it on your face!).
  • Lower the cooler down to your torso and then press it back up.
  • Raise your legs up so your toes point toward the sky and your body forms a 90-degree angle.
  • Lower your legs back to the ground and then repeat, alternating between the cooler press and leg raise for 90 seconds.

Sunscreen Bicycle Crunch

  • Lie on the ground and perform crunches, alternately bringing your knees in toward the chest.
  • As the knee comes in, pass the sunscreen bottle back and forth in between your legs.
  • Continue for 90 seconds.

Beach Ball Lunge to Cooler Step-Ups

  • Begin in a lunge position with one knee resting on the ground, holding a beach ball above your head. No ball? Hold a rolled-up towel or just extend the arms above you.
  • Straighten the front leg and step the back foot onto the cooler.
  • Stand on the cooler, raising your opposite knee into a 90-degree position before stepping back down into a lunge position.
  • Perform this exercise for 90 seconds on each side.

Side Plank Water Bottle Lateral Raise

  • Begin in a side plank position with one hand on the ground and the other holding a water bottle that's resting on the floor.
  • Keeping the torso strong, twist your torso to raise the bottle above your head and back down to the ground.
  • Continue for a total of 90 seconds, then repeat on the other side for another 90.

Burpee Jump-Overs With Cooler

  • Begin in plank position. Do a push-up.
  • Jump your feet to your hands and stand up. This is called a burpee.
  • Jump laterally over the cooler. If this is too high, jump over a rolled-up towel instead.
  • Repeat the burpee on the other side and jump back over the cooler.
  • Complete 90 seconds of burpee jump-overs.
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